Friday, September 19, 2008

Reading Notes Five

Finally a topic that I knew something about and didnt have to struggle to read through! I have had a youtube account for a long time, so I found this article quite easy to read. Even enjoyable compared to some of the previous readings. I think the idea presented in the article about libraries capitalizing on youtube and reaching patrons through video technology is a good idea and worth being given more consideration by libraries and institutions of that kind.
The Imaging Pittsburgh Project was incredible! I thought this project was really cool and is wonderful to make these historic images available to the public. One note, it was a good thing we had just covered metadata, because I would'nt really have known what the heck that meant.
And then we get back to the rough stuff-data compression. For me this reading was the worst yet. I get the basic concept of what compression does and what it's for, but didnt understand the majority of what was in the article. Lossless versus lossy...perpetual length coding...I hope the lecture will shed some light on this stuff Tuesday.

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