Monday, September 1, 2008

Reading Notes One

First of all the term format agnostic was a new term for me, but based on the context it was used in seemed appropriate. The OCLC report was very good, yet disheartening at best. It gave us concrete statistics that show that print publishing is fastly declining and that networks and communication devices are taking the place of mediums such as books and magazines. Since i wish to work in the field that focuses on the preservation of paper based media I suppose this is both good and bad. It seems wrong to me that libraries are becoming more and more dependent on finding ways to to deliver content via mobile devices. I had hoped in the past that perhaps there could be some type of marriage between technology and print media, but with each passing day it becomes increasingly evident to me that we are going to eventually phase out all paper based media. I found the second article on Information literacy rather boring and redundant but having a pertinent point in that because of rapidly changing technology we are all going to have to accept it as well as beome well versed on how to use it. The 3rd article about the Lied library, while it spoke about the technologically advanced library for the students, also served as a reminder that we are involved in a rapidly changing technological revolution since alot of the technology it talked about is already outdated. Although still young, I'm old fashioned, and these articles along with the class we're in are a painful reminder that people have lost their love of books and replaced them with iphones.

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