Friday, October 3, 2008

Reading Notes Seven

The first article, How Stuff Works, seems to be an extension of sorts of the network articles we read last week They provided me with some general understanding of how the Internet works. I gained a greater understanding about routers, in fact that made the most sense to me in this article. I did find it interesting that each time someone logs on using dial-up they do so using a different IP address each time. Seems to me this would make online stalking or fraud much harder to detect this way. Perhaps I dont full understand though.
The other article, Dismantling Integrated Library Systems, contained some interesting information but you had to read between the lines of incessant complaining to glean anything from it. I know that integrated systems are very much needed in a time where we are shifting from print based information to electronic based systems. A way to make these systems compatible with one another is the only resolution and I can see why libraries are upset about having to come up with the money to pay for said systems. Afterall they didnt have any say so in the fact changing technology forced the creation of these types of systems.
I really liked the Google video. I thought the thing they showed of the world and all the searches going on was awesome. It shows how around the globe we all potentially have something in common and it shows what a monster Google has grown into. That picture of them on the ski trip was hilarious. I had Google desktop before we had to download it for this class and I love it. I use it CONSTANTLY!


Corrine W said...

The planet with the dots of light where people were googling was incredible to me too. I guess I am visual and a person can quote huge numbers and name countires and languages using google but seeing it really impressed on me just how widespread it is. Seeing where it isn't appearing was also interesting.

Melissa said...

I agree that the visuals on Google use were interesting. And, like Corrine said, it was interesting to see where Google (the Internet) wasn't. Ignoring the large unpopulated areas, I wasn't aware of just HOW absent these technologies are across nearly all of Africa, for instance.

Rand said...

I couldn't believe how far Google has spread, with searches coming even from Antarctica and space shuttles from time to time. I'm also really digging Google Desktop now that I have it, although I wish I could figure out a way to turn the indexing off completely!